quarta-feira, abril 23, 2008

"Pessoas lendo"..

"Pessoas Lendo" - ou, se vos soar melhor, "pessoas a ler" - é, traduzido para Português, o nome deste blogue norte-americano (de San Francisco). Uma ideia que a autora (assina como Sonya Worthy) gostaria de ver "imitada" pelo mundo fora. Vamos dar-lhe uma ajuda?

Palavras da autora, na apresentação do blogue:

«This blog is my exploration of literary San Francisco and daily affirmation that people still read. While the Golden Gate Bridge and our hilly streets define our city's physical landscape, I believe that the books we read are markers of our mental landscapes--the character of San Francisco. Pictures are taken the day of the posting in San Francisco, unless I say otherwise. I get rejected about 20% of the time and I respect the privacy of people who do not want to be on this site. Cell phones, iPods, and sudoku may continue to occupy the BART platforms, but books are everywhere, too. San Francisco, not surprisingly, is a very well read city. I don't pretend to be well read myself--this blog is more of an attempt to live vicariously through others--though I do read and I'm very interested in why we read what we do and what makes a good book good. Right now I'm reading Air Guitar, by David Hickey. Comments are set up so that you don't need to log in or create an account--it's easy. Please let me know if I've made a mistake or if you have something to add.
You can also email me directly at sonya.worthy@gmail.com

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